In the Heart of Dodge County

Mass Lay Ministries

Lectors, Ushers, Greeters, Sacristans, Servers, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

We have an active Lay Minister program at Sacred Heart. Volunteers can help in many capacities, especially during the Mass.  If you are interested in helping out, please contact the parish office, or Submit a Form for becoming a Lay Minister.

For Current Lay Ministers

You can click to View the Current Lay Minister schedule or log into the web terminal and edit your availability, contact information, or view the Roster List of All Lay Ministers to find contact information to find Subs using the button below:


FAQ’s for MSP
(Frequently Asked Questions for Ministry Scheduler Pro)

  • What is the website?

Use the button above to go to the website, or type in your browser window: http://www.rotundasoftware.com/ministry/sheart

  • What is my Username/Login?

Your Username or login is typically your first initial and last name, so for example "jsmith”.

  • What if I forgot my password?

If you have forgotten your password, you can use the "Forgot?" link next to the password field on the login page.

  • What is our Organization ID?

Our Organization ID is: sheart

  • Can I see the full schedule for everyone, not just my schedule?

Yes! You can use the link to View the Current Lay Minister schedule or log into the web terminal and click the tab for “Full Schedule” instead of “My Schedule”.

  • Can I see the list of Lay Minister contact information so I can call or email someone to find a sub?

Yes!  This list is called the Roster and you can see it by logging into the web terminal and going to the tab for “Roster”

Don't forget that if you have an iOS or Android device, you can use the MSP mobile app! After downloading, you'll need the following Organization ID to sign in: sheart
A short video on how to use the MSP mobile app is also available here.

If you have any questions, you may contact the parish office.  Thank you for your service to your parish family!