In the Heart of Dodge County

Youth Ministry 6-11

The Youth Ministry Program is for children from Grades 6-11.

Classes are held Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:15pm.  There will be an Open House on the first Wednesday during the normal class time so you can come and meet your teacher, pick up your information packet, and ask any questions you may have.

The Director of Religious Education is Ms. Jodi Murphy.

Our Youth Ministry program includes a strong emphasis on knowledge of the Catholic faith, involvement in prayer experiences and outreach activities.  Service opportunities like yard clean up and serving at a soup kitchen are offered.  Students receive the sacrament of Reconciliation each year, attend Mass and take part in prayer services.

The text books used for these grades are:

Grade 6          "Theology of the Body for Teens" and "Altaration", by Acension Press
Grade 7          "Connect: Bringing Faith to Life (year two)", by Saint Mary's Press
Grade 8          "Connect: Bringing Faith to Life (year tree)", by Saint Mary's Press
Grade 9          "You: Theology of the Body", by Acension Press
Grade 10        "Chosen (year one)", by Acension Press
Grade 11        "Chosen (year two)", by Acension Press

World Youth Day and Mission Trips are offered and fundraising opportunities are provided for the high school.

The Confirmation class attends a special retreat weekend in preparation for their sacrament.  Sponsor support and interaction is encouraged early in the year.