Mass Schedule
Inclement weather may force our Parish to cancel services and/or programs at times. Please read our Inclement Weather Policy for details.
Always check the bulletin for any changes or exceptions to the standard Mass times.
Weekend Masses:
Saturday at 5:00pm in Horicon
Sunday at 9:30am in Horicon
Daily Masses:
Monday at 5:30pm in Horicon
Wednesday at 8:00am in Horicon
Friday at 8:00am in Horicon
NOTE: 8am Daily Mass will be canceled whenever a funeral falls on that day.
Reconciliation (individual):
Saturdays at 4:00pm in Horicon, or call Fr. Justin Lopina to make an appointment.
Eucharistic Adoration
Typically held in Horicon the first Wednesday of each Month
The day begins with Mass at 8:00am. Adoration from 8:30am-9:30pm. Closing service begins at 9:30pm.
NOTE: The 8am Mass/Eucharistic Day will be canceled whenever a funeral falls on that day.